During World War I, a regular yet brave soldier receives seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, he must cross over into enemy territory to find an enormous enemy machine and destroy it that could potentially save 1,600 of his fellow comrades. This soldier is you! Free the fellow soldiers held captive on the enemy territory and they will join you in the mission. Collect gold during each run to buy valuable upgrades including a heavy tank!
Nail Doctor
Cricket World Cup Game
SpiderMan Fun Games
Pyramid Solitaire Classic
Bus Driving Amazing
Mafia City Driving Sim
Rich Shopping 3d Game
Animal Sounds
Emoji Merge
City Coach Bus Simulator 2018
Nyan Cat Flappy
zombie hunting
Heaven Challenge 2 Player
Color Rings Block Puzzle
Crash Race
Stunt Car Extreme-SBH
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Two Wheel Driver
Stickman Climber
Cat Clicker MLG
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Draw And Escape
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Mini Springs
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